73 pages 2 hours read

Wolf Hollow

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Exam Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. D (Various chapters)

2. B (Various chapters)

3. C (Prologue)

4. A (Various chapters)

5. C (Various chapters)

6. B (Various chapters)

7. A (Various chapters)

8. D (Various chapters)

9. A (Various chapters)

10. B (Various chapters)

Long Answer

1. Initially Mr. Ansel is discriminated against because of the anti-German sentiment during World War II. When Betty attacks Mr. Ansel for this reason, she sets off a chain of events causing her to cast the blame on Toby. Toby is a believable criminal to the community because of their prejudice against him as an unkempt wanderer. (Various chapters)

2. The first act of bravery in the novel comes from Annabelle, who decides to defend her brothers against her bully, Betty. She believes that she will have more resilience as the oldest of her siblings. Later, Annabelle is motivated to help because she knows Toby has been falsely accused by Betty. She bravely hides Toby in her hayloft while the police search for Toby. Additionally, Annabelle’s family exhibits bravery by knowingly harboring Toby in their barn despite potential consequences. (Various chapters)

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