89 pages 2 hours read

When Stars Are Scattered

Nonfiction | Graphic Novel/Book | Middle Grade | Published in 2020

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Exam Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1. D (Various chapters)

2. B (Various chapters)

3. A (Introduction)

4. D (Various chapters)

5. B (Part 1, chapter 6)

6. C (Various chapters)

7. A (Various chapters)

8. D (Various chapters)

9. C (Various chapters)

10. D (Various chapters)

11. B (Various chapters)

12. D (Various chapters)

13. B (Various chapters)

14. A (Various chapters)

15. D (Various chapters)

Long Answer

1. As Omar is leaving the refugee camp, he sees his mother’s love in the individuals who helped him while he was in the camp. This is further reinforced by Hassan’s use of the word “mama” by the people in the camp who show them love and help to guide them. (Various chapters)

2. Throughout the novel, the reader witnesses the hardships and difficulties of displaced people. Empathy might be important for the reader to emulate in order to understand the frustrations and difficulties of people around the world who continue to live in the conditions Omar was raised in. (Various chapters)

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