87 pages 2 hours read

We Are Displaced

Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | YA | Published in 2018

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Discussion/Analysis Prompt

Throughout the text, Yousafzai and other refugee authors narrate their personal experiences with displacement due to war, violence, and poverty. What is the overall role of displacement in the collection of stories? Consider these points as you reflect on the text to answer the question.

  • What common factors do Malala and the other authors describe in their experience of displacement?
  • How does each character cope with the difficulties of displacement?
  • Does displacement serve a unifying purpose among refugees?
  • Can the displaced gain strength through sharing their experiences?

Teaching Suggestion: If students have trouble approaching this topic, consider beginning the discussion by asking students whether difficult experiences ever have a positive impact on those who must experience them. Perhaps the class could generate a list of positive and negative impacts of a difficult experience and then could expand the conversation to analyze the experience of displacement. The discussion of this prompt and accompanying questions will allow students to focus on textual details in their search for nuanced descriptions and characterizations that draw together those who are displaced.

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