68 pages 2 hours read

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 1989

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

  • Genre: Nonfiction; self-help
  • Originally Published: 1989
  • Reading Level/Interest: College/Adult
  • Structure/Length: 11 chapters; approx. 372 pages; approx. 15 hours on audio
  • Central Concern: The author explains seven key habits that lead to success in one’s personal and professional life.

Stephen R. Covey, Author

  • Bio: Born in 1932 in Salt Lake City, Utah; died in 2012; obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the University of Utah and an MBA degree from Harvard; taught at Brigham Young University; established the Covey Leadership Center; International Entrepreneur of the Year Award (1994); one of Time magazine’s 25 most influential Americans (1996)
  • Other Works: Living the 7 Habits (2000); The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness (2004); The Leader in Me: How Schools and Parents Around the World Are Inspiring Greatness, One Child at a Time (2008)

CENTRAL THEMES connected and noted throughout this Teaching Unit:

  • Real Change Comes From Within
  • The Importance of Paradigm Shifts
  • Growth Is a Process

STUDY OBJECTIVES: In accomplishing the components of this Unit, students will:

  • Gain an understanding of the cultural and philosophical context for the author’s assertions about the nature of highly effective people.
  • Study paired texts and other brief resources to make connections via the text’s theme that Real Change Comes From Within.