78 pages 2 hours read

Life on the Mississippi

Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | Adult | Published in 1883

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Essay Topics


Twain meets Karl Ritter and, after hearing the man’s strange tale, agrees to assist him with a task. Explain how Twain first met Ritter, and then detail Ritter’s story about his family and their sad end. How does Ritter come to work as a night watchman, and what does Twain agree to help him with?


Twain learns the ABC’s of steamboat piloting from Mr. Bixby and others. There are three essential things, however, that Twain states all successful pilots must know. What are these three traits? Provide examples from the text of Twain (or other pilots) putting these traits into action.


Before delving into his own history on the Mississippi River, Twain provides historical details about explorers who visited the river, and how the river compares to famous rivers around the world. Provide some of the narrative Twain divulges in the early chapters, including famous explorers and global monuments that Twain associates and/or compares to the Mississippi.

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